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New Grants


Photo: "Combat Paper," a public arts workshop with Drew Cameron at the Merced Multicultural Arts Center, organized by Post-Doctoral Fellow Eli Jelly-Schapiro

Fall Call for Funding

Grants, Fellowships and Competitive Programs for Faculty

  1. Mellon Summer Faculty Fellowship for Public Humanities ($9,200 in summer salary; additional funding available once awarded for project-related costs); apply by Nov. 22, 2024
  2. Book Subvention Grants (up to $3k each); apply by Nov. 27, 2024
  3. Individual Research Grants (up to $2k each); apply by Nov. 27, 2024
  4. Working Group Grants (up to $750 each); apply by Nov. 27, 2024
  5. "Transform Your Scholarly Publication Into a Comic or Illustration" Program; apply by Nov. 27, 2024

Grants and Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Students

Please apply for the following grants by Nov. 27, 2024:

  1. UC Humanities Consortium Dissertation Fellowship ($8k each)
  2. Human Rights Summer Fellowship (in Collaboration with UC Berkeley's Human Rights Center) ($8k)

Please watch for future calls for fellowships and grants for IH graduate students in these areas:

  1. Mellon Summer Public Humanities Graduate Fellowships (8 at $7,500 each for 2025); apply by Jan. 13, 2025
  2. Conference Travel Grants (TBD)