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Race and Justice in Transnational Perspective: The "Latinos" of Asia: How Filipinos Break the Rules of Race, Anthony C. Ocampo, Asst. Prof. of Sociology, Cal Poly Pomona

April 14, 2014 - 10:00pm

Abstract: Mass migration from Latin America and Asia is dramatically changing the racial landscape of our nation. In California, Latinos and Asians already collectively constitute the majority in large metropolitan areas, a demographic shift that is reshaping the way children of immigrants are racially incorporated into American society. To date, race scholars treat Latinos and Asians as two distinct panethnic categories. In this presentation, I examine how Filipino Americans, the largest Asian group in the state, disrupt this conventional divide and negotiate their racial identity within an emerging Latino-Asian racial spectrum. Drawing on interviews and survey data of Filipino Americans in Southern California, I demonstrate how multiethnic contexts interact with historical factors to influence Filipino racial formation. I argue that the cultural residuals of Spanish and U.S. colonialism affect how Filipinos racially position themselves vis-à-vis Latinos and Asians, the two fastest growing panethnic groups in the country. These findings have implications for better understanding how the racialization process is evolving as the United States moves beyond a black-white racial paradigm.


About the Author
Anthony C. Ocampo is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Cal Poly Pomona. His research and teaching interests include immigration, race and ethnicity, education, gender and sexuality, urban sociology, and cultural sociology. He has published work on the children of Asian and Latino immigrants in leading journals in sociology and ethnic studies, including Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Asian American Studies, and Latino Studies. His research on the immigrant second generation has received awards and recognitions from various sections of the American Sociological Association, such as International Migration (2011), Racial and Ethnic Minorities (2011), Latina/o Sociology (2011), Sex and Gender (2009), and Sexualities (2009, 2013). Anthony is also working on a second book, tentatively entitled The Gay Second Generation: Growing Up Gay in Immigrant Families, that looks at the way that masculinity and sexuality shape the social incorporation of second generation Filipino and Latino gay men in Los Angeles.



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