Featured giving opportunity: Scholars at Risk Fund. Our Center has established an emergency “Scholars At Risk” fund to help threatened artists and academics – including those currently fleeing Afghanistan – until they are safe to return home. Our Provost’s Office has provided $40,000 to kick off this initiative. You’re invited to help match this commitment, with the goal of bringing an Afghan scholar to UC Merced. Thank you in advance for responding to this crisis alongside our colleagues from across the UC system.
Have you been inspired by our programs? Are you excited to see how a vibrant series of humanities events can shape the San Joaquin Valley? Help us share the world with our community and bring the insights of our community to the world.
Consider making a donation and earmarking it for the Center for the Humanities. Get in touch with us as well - we would like to discuss how your gift can shape our future. From sponsoring a play to endowing a professorship, there are many ways you can invest in the future of the San Joaquin Valley.